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Wade Borth - Sage Wealth Strategy

Mar 28, 2023

Listen in today as fellow IBC practitioner David Zapata joins Wade to discuss his journey from immigration to growth and transformation. They talk about growth taking time, intentions, experiences, and purpose. David walks us through how he got to where he is today after coming to America 16 years ago. Tune in to hear...

Mar 21, 2023

It’s safe to say planning for retirement is one of the best things you can do for yourself. That being said, it can be a confusing process. There are a lot of elements to consider when determining how much money you’ll need. One way to ensure you’re in control of your retirement fund is by understanding the...

Mar 14, 2023

Wade and Barry continue their conversation today on the safety of insurance companies and the complications around traditional retirement accounts. They control your money - whole life insurance allows you to control your own money. Access to and control of money is the most important part of your retirement. Listen in...

Mar 7, 2023

Today Wade is joined by Barry Dyke to discuss pensions, guaranteed income, and purchasing Whole Life to “de-risk” terminated pensions. Safest place to warehouse your capital is a whole life insurance company. They discuss retirement planning and the desire to provide safe, secure passive income. Tune in to hear a...